Gustav Mahler's Wife

Alma Mahler

Alma Mahler, the daughter of Emil Schindler, painter to the Austor-Hungarian court, was born in 1879. In 1915, four years after the death of Gustav Mahler, she married Walter Gropius, who would soon found the world-renowned Bauhaus. When their fitful relationship ended in divorce she married the novelist Franz Werfel (1890-1945). After Memories and Letters she wrote And the Bridge Is Love (1959), which chronicles the later years of her life. She died in New York City in 1964.

Alma Mahler Alma Mahler Alma Mahler Alma Mahler Alma Mahler Alma Mahler Alma Mahler Alma Mahler Alma Mahler Alma Mahler Alma Mahler Alma Mahler